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Passed a Bag Bill in Annapolis

07 • 22 • 2024

Passed a Bag Bill in Annapolis

Victory! Passed the Bag Ordinance in Annapolis

The Annapolis Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation passed a plastic bag ordinance in Annapolis! See our blog for more information.

As Annapolis residents, the health of our community and natural areas are critical to our local economy and our way of life.

Plastic bags are one of the most common forms of plastic pollution found in clean ups and pose a significant threat to human health and wildlife. Single use plastic bags pose significant health risks to humans, especially those in underserved communities where the majority of plastic manufacturing and waste management infrastructure is located. Plastic bags not sent to landfills, burned, or littered, are often put in recycling bins, where they clog recycling machines and cost recyclers and taxpayers money to remove. 

Annapolis will reduce plastic bag pollution by banning single use plastic bags and mandating at least a 10 cent charge for reusable and paper bags at any retail stores. This type of ordinance has been used successfully to reduce plastic bag litter in many other cities and states.

By passing Ordinance 0-5-24 in Annapolis, we will keep our beautiful natural areas clean of plastic bag litter, reduce taxpayer dollars spent on clean ups and recycling, and keep plastic bags from threatening wildlife and human health.